
January 19, 2021

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January 19, 2021

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January 19, 2021

Services in New York City Area

Company registration, Work Permit and Visa application; Online Accounting Services, Payment Services, Tax Compliance Services; Payroll compliance Services, Trademark Registration; Due Diligence for M&A project, Selling-out Business on behalf of Seller
January 19, 2021

New York City Accounting

Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen and other major cities in China; Company Registration, Open Bank Account, Work Permit and Z Visa; Online Accounting Services; Payment services; Payroll compliance services; Trademark registration; Due Diligence for M&A Project
January 19, 2021

New York City Payroll Services

We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll system. We are a member of LEA and IAPA. Our affiliated companies are located at APAC major cities. We are featured in providing services to the overseas entities of MNC (Multi-National-Companies) parent companies.
January 19, 2021

New York City Company Setup

Cloud Services supported by Cloud System Global wise organized Service Items and Packages We have built County-by-country online Knowledge Database We use it for sharing and training Evershine staff and local partner staff. Assuring our clients being compliance with tax, payroll and investment regulations in each country.
December 29, 2020


永輝提供 公司註冊、薪酬、會計、稅務、盡職調查、法定審計等服務,服務對象爲美國紐約外商企業(WFOE),其母公司來自世界各國。 我們與海外同仁使用雲端系統協同為客戶服務: 臺北永輝.tpe、廈門永輝.xmn、北京永輝.pek、上海那靈.sha、紐約永輝.nyc、三藩市永輝.sfo、紐約永輝.tyo、首爾永輝.sel、河內永輝.han、越南胡志明.sgn、曼谷永輝.bkk、新加坡永輝.sin、吉隆玻.kul、 雅加達永輝.jkt、馬尼拉永輝.mnl、墨爾本永輝.mel、澳洲雪梨.syd、新德里永輝.del、印度孟買.bom、法蘭克福永輝.fra、倫敦永輝.lon、多倫多永輝.yto。
December 29, 2020


閉鎖型公司-創業家的最佳載具; 線上會計薪資考勤作業及法規遵循服務; 人事與薪資法規遵循服務; 美國紐約上市櫃公司-費用支出迴圈控管服務; 增資、並購前–財會與整帳服務; 企業經營權出讓之受託服務–代表賣方; 企業評鑒與無形資產鑒價; 公開發行及上市(櫃)輔導規劃; 審計簽證服務; 申報美國人綜合所得稅。
December 29, 2020


美國紐約外商匯款給海外據點時,到底要不要扣繳20%,眾說紛紜,常困擾大家,包括專業會計師。 很多人會說,等稅局查到再商談,再補稅,不會有罰款。 擔任美國紐約外資公司財務部門,為避免海外母公司日後質疑您的專業,最好申請。 由美國紐約外商依照美國紐約所得稅法25-1條,向美國紐約稅局申請為海外母公司子公司為美國紐約子公司提供技術服務收入, 國稅局核准後,美國紐約外商公司支付國外時,可以3%扣繳。 永輝可以為貴公司提供此項申請服務。